Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Vegetarian Weight Loss - 9 Tips to Help Vegetarians Lose Weight

Going vegetarian doesn't guarantee weight loss and make you slim. As technology advances and more processed vegetarian foods "sprout up", the waistline of a vegetarian is growing as big as a meat-eater. It's getting hard to differentiate between these 2 groups of people who eat differently.

Here are the few reasons why you, a vegetarian is facing overweight issue, which is normally the problem of a meat-eater.

1. Cheap pre-packaged vegetarian foods infused with sodium, sugar and saturated fat that are too tempting to resist.

2. Because vegetarians are growing at warp rate, many non-veggie restaurants come up with veggie meals to share this big pie. Again, they use too many high-sodium, high-sugar, oily TVP (textured vegetable proteins) on their veggie dishes. Common sense says that such diet is not going to help any vegetarian lose weight.

3. The belief of "vegetarians are normally slim" or "vegetarian diet can help lose weight" have been crushed. Vegetarians started to show skepticism about whether they can really become slim.

4. Vegetarians are not spared in the agony of stressful workload and household matters. You still have to earn a living and take care of your spouse and kids and so on.

5. You don't obtain sufficient quality sleep and you always sleep late. Like many other people in general, you get hooked on facebook, twitter, other social networking activities and online games.

6. You go with soda, sugar-laced coffee, beer, alcohol and other high-calorie beverages but drink less water.

7. Because of your fiber-deficient food intake, you suffer from constipation. Storing waste in your body for more than 2 days can intoxicate your body and make your fat storage difficult to be retrieved for energy use.

8. You eat too fast. Before your stomach tells your brain its full, you've already finished the entire plate, resulting in over consumption of calories.

9. You lead a sedentary vegetarian lifestyle with little or no exercise.

These unhealthy ways of living are prime causes for your metabolic disorder. You must fix your metabolism back to its normal running state in order to lose weight as a vegetarian. How? Just reverse them all:

1. Avoid processed food with high sugar, sodium and fat.

2. Prepare your own vegetarian meals. You'll have a better chance of losing weight than when you eat out.

3. Vegetarian diet does lose weight, only if you eat healthily and nutritiously.

4. Learn how to cope with stress by going for massaging, exercising etc.

5. Sleep early and get enough quality sleep.

6. Stop all high-calorie, high-sugar beverages. Substitute them with water.

7. Eat more vegetables as these fibrous food will help you detox effectively. Less toxin in your body means more fat can be readily converted into energy to fuel your bodily needs.

8. Take time to savor your meal. Give your stomach enough time to communicate with your brain about your satiety level.

9. Get on with exercises at least 3 times a week. You'll feel more energetic every day.

Knowing these vegetarian weight loss tips is one thing, but applying them is another story. If you don't do them, you'll forever get stuck in this fat piece of skin. I used to be like you, if I can do it, why can't you?

Let's prove to the whole world that VEGETARIAN is the ultimate diet and lifestyle to lose weight. Ok? Good.

Laura Ng invites you to grab your FREE vegetarian weight loss diet plan at iNotFat.com. When you apply her tried-and-true techniques in the diet plan, you'll lose your belly fat, break your weight loss plateau, improve your health and eliminate your overweight problems permanently, without rebound and side effects. Discover more proven tips to lose weight vegetarian at iNotFat.com now.

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