Friday, December 24, 2010

Losing Weight Using a Vegetarian Diet

Have you noticed lately that many people are passing on the heavier meats in favor of vegetables? Many banquet attendees have been joining the ranks of the popular vegetarian dishes over prime rib. This is due to the increased awareness of health and the many celebrities now endorsing weight loss for better health. A vegetarian diet may just be the answer to your weight loss.

What exactly does a vegetarian diet entail? Todays vegetarian diet is not your typical vegetables only diet. There are those that stick to eating only beans, fruits, nuts and vegetables. However, others eat eggs and cheese and they also drink milk.

Vegetarian Dishes

One of the benefits of the vegetarian diet is the lower cholesterol and fat content. This will aid in the prevention of heart disease and has been known to help reduce the incidence of cancer. One of the main problems of the totally vegetarian diet is the vitamins and minerals you may be lacking.

One of the main elements to a vegetarian diet that is successful is the planning. The meals must be planned to include the proper vitamins and minerals. If not, the body may be deprived of the healthy nutrients it needs.

One of the beneficial aspects of a vegetarian diet is the healthy foods such as whole grains, fruits and vegetables that are consumed. Protein is another matter as you may not get enough of this vital substance. One way around this is by adding soy to the vegetarian diet as it provides a large amount of protein. Iron is yet another thing you need to consider. In order to receive enough iron you will need to eat plenty of beans and spinach because the normal foods that provide iron such as roast beef and liver will not be consumed.

Vitamins may need to be used as a supplement in order to get the right amounts of calcium, B-12, zinc and Vitamin D. If not, you would be overloading yourself with broccoli, spinach, cereals and soy milk. Another thing to keep in mind is being on a vegetarian diet is not permission to eat as much junk food as you want either. The high-calorie items will have to be eliminated as much as possible as well.

With the old saying ' variety is the spice of life' comes the knowledge that it is also a benefit for those who want to stick to a vegetarian diet. The different types of vegetables and fruits need to be consumed as well. If you are one that does consume dairy, use low-fat cheese and milk or the non-fat type. Cholesterol rich eggs should only be eaten once in awhile.

According to studies there have been far less calories consumed by vegetarians than others who eat meat. The body mass index is one of the tools used to measure how obese you are and vegetarians are lower in body mass index than those who eat meat. But eating vegetables does not mean you do not have to watch your calories and amounts of what you eat. Being a vegetarian is not a cure for being overweight but it will definitely help when trying to rid yourself of those excess pounds.

There are many people that think being a vegetarian is a fast way to lose the weight they need to lose. They think if the meat they are used to eating is replaced by vegetables for a couple of weeks they will take off weight. This is not a good way to consider losing weight because the effect is yo-yo dieting which is unhealthy. The choice of a vegetarian diet is one that you should stick with. If not, you may not be as happy with your weight loss as a whole.

Being a vegetarian is not everyone's idea of a good way to lose weight. For those who are good vegetable and fruit eaters and are not overly enthused about meat there is the option of finding another diet which you may want to consider. Whatever diet you choose to use hinges on two things - personal preferences and the diet program you will follow.

Losing Weight Using a Vegetarian Diet

Dan Clay is a renowned Sydney boot camp, instructor & real world fat loss expert. For more information on his Sydney boot camps visit Sydney boot camp

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